How to book and prepare for a telephone consult
How to book a telephone appointment
Just like other appointments, there are three ways to book a telephone consult.
- Book via the HotDoc app
- Book via our HotDoc page
- Call reception on (02) 5519 8200.
Ensure that you provide the correct phone number at time of booking, so that your doctor can get in touch at the right time.
How to prepare for a telephone appointment
- Try to be prepared, with a short list of what you need to discuss. If you have booked a standard appointment, these are 15 minutes long. That gives us about 10-12 minutes to discuss your problem before we need to spend time writing notes, and ordering tests or prescriptions for you.
- At the time of your appointment, try and find somewhere quiet to sit where you can hear, and be heard. Please don't try and talk to us on the car system, or in a noisy space.
- Wait for our call! Just like in real life, we are definitely going to run late sometimes. If we're a few minutes late, please be patient. If we're more than 15 minutes late, call the surgery and get our (wonderfully reliable) receptionists to check on things for you - a GP's day rarely goes to plan and there are lots of reasons why we may be running late.
- If you need prescriptions, tests, or referrals to other health care professionals, your doctor can arrange to send these on your behalf directly where they need to go.
All the GPs practicing at Westside Medical Centre are available for telephone consults.